Our readings were published over a period of twelve months — May 2020 till April 2021 — and remain here as a collection for you to enjoy.
In ‘The Fine Art of Reading’, his 1949 inaugural lecture as Goldsmiths’ Professor of English Literature at Oxford, New College Fellow, Lord David Cecil, wrote:
“There are as many different kinds of good books as there are different kinds of good writer. Each has something to give us.”
Here we invite you to listen to and enjoy some of the many different kinds of writings which our Fellows and Alumni have chosen to read for you.
- Stephen Anderson reads to you George Herbert’s poem, ‘Prayer’ (I)
- Steven Balbus reads to you from Kip Thorne’s Black Holes and Time Warps
- Tina Biswas reads to you from her novel, The Antagonists
- Tina Biswas reads to you from V. S. Naipaul’s A House for Mr Biswas
- Gyles Brandreth reads to you Derek Mahon’s poem, ‘Everything Is Going To Be All Right’
- Michael Burden reads to you from Dambudzo Marechera’s short story, ‘Oxford, Black Oxford’
- Andrew Caldecott reads to you from his novel, Rotherweird
- Andrew Counter reads to you from Thomas Carlyle’s The French Revolution
- Richard Dawkins reads to you from Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species
- Richard Dawkins reads to you from his autobiography, Brief Candle in the Dark
- Marcus du Sautoy reads to you from G. H. Hardy’s A Mathematician’s Apology
- Roopa Farooki reads to you from her novel, Bitter Sweets
- Roopa Farooki reads to you John Donne’s poem, ‘The Canonization’
- Elizabeth Frazer reads to you from her book, Shakespeare and the Political Way
- Patrick Gale reads to you Charles Causley’s poem, ‘Angel Hill’
- Patrick Gale reads to you from his novel, The Whole Day Through
- Martin Gibson reads to you from his biography, A Primrose Path: The Gilded Life of Lord Rosebery’s Favourite Son
- Martin Gibson reads to you from Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray
- Donatien Grau reads to you from Euripides’s The Bacchae
- Donatien Grau reads to you from his biography, La vie Alaïa
- Ashleigh Griffin reads to you from Georgina Ferry’s biography, Dorothy Hodgkin: A Life
- Daniel Harkin reads to you Philip Larkin’s poem, ‘The Mower’
- Masud Husain reads to you from Oliver Sacks’s Awakenings
- Ann Jefferson reads to you from Samuel Beckett’s Molloy
- Rachel Johnson reads to you from Bruce Chatwin’s On the Black Hill
- Rachel Johnson reads to you from her memoirs, Rake’s Progress: My Political Midlife Crisis
- Olivia Judson reads to you from Thomas Henry Huxley’s lecture, ‘On a Piece of Chalk’
- Catriona Kelly reads to you from Molly Keane’s novel, Loving and Giving
- Nur Laiq reads to you W. H. Auden’s poem, ‘Hymn to the United Nations’
- Karen Leeder reads to you from Porcelain, her translation of Durs Grünbein’s cycle of poems, Porzellan
- Chris Lintott reads to you from Jérôme Lalande’s introduction to Fontenelle’s Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds
- Erica Longfellow reads to you from John Donne’s sermon ‘Preached at Pauls, upon Christmas Day, in the Evening. 1624’
- Laura Marcus reads to you from Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse
- Katie McKeogh reads to you from Philip Caraman’s translation from the Latin of William Weston’s autobiography
- Kate Mosse reads to you from her novel, The Taxidermist’s Daughter
- Kate Mosse reads to you from T. S. Eliot’s poem, ‘Little Gidding’, the fourth of Eliot’s Four Quartets
- Stephen Mulhall reads to you from Stanley Cavell’s The Claim of Reason
- William Poole reads to you from John Milton’s Paradise Lost
- Natasha Pulley reads to you from Akinari Ueda’s story, ‘The Reed-Choked House’
- David Raeburn reads to you from his translation of Ovid’s Metamorphoses
- Craig Raine reads to you his poem, ‘Sea Urchins’
- Dominic Selwood reads to you from his book, Anatomy of a Nation: British Identity in 50 Documents
- Dominic Selwood reads to you Jorge Luis Borges’s very short story, ‘The Witness’
- Hannah Sullivan reads to you from her poem, ‘The Sandpit after Rain’
- Rosalind Temple reads to you in her translation from the Welsh from Ned Thomas’s Bydoedd
- Martin Williams reads to you Gerard Manley Hopkins’s poem, ‘Binsey Poplars’
- Miles Young reads to you C. P. Cavafy’s poem, ‘Waiting for the Barbarians’
Ann Jefferson reads to you
Ann Jefferson, Emeritus Fellow and former Tutor in French at Ƶ, Oxford — and Emeritus Professor of French Literature in the Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages, University of Oxford — reading the opening paragraph from the novel, Molloy by Samuel Beckett (1906–1989)
Martin Williams reads to you
Tina Biswas reads to you
Tina Biswas, New College alumna and novelist — author of Dancing with the Two-Headed Tigress, The Red Road, and The Antagonists — presenting the 30th reading in our ‘Ƶ Reads To You’ podcast series with a passage from the wonderful and much-celebrated novel, A House for Mr Biswas (1961), by V. S. Naipaul (1932–2018)
Ashleigh Griffin reads to you
Karen Leeder reads to you
Karen Leeder, Professor of Modern German Literature, reading from Porcelain: Poem on the Downfall of My City (Seagull Books, 2020), her translation — of Porzellan: Poem vom Untergang meiner Stadt, by German poet, Durs Grünbein (b. 1962) — which is being published 75 years since the Allied firebombing of Dresden
Chris Lintott reads to you
Ƶ Research Fellow, University of Oxford Professor of Astrophysics, and the BBC’s “The Sky at Night” presenter, Chris Lintott, reading from Jérôme Lalande’s introduction to Bernard Le Bovier de Fontenelle’s Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds, translated by Elizabeth Gunning and published in 1803
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Video by Christopher Thompson — Photos of Ƶ by Michael Burden and Erica Longfellow
Produced by Sam Brown, Erica Longfellow, and Christopher Skelton-Foord
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