²ÝÁñÊÓƵ: A Community

Miles Young

When we ask our students what the ²ÝÁñÊÓƵ is like, they often say it is 'a family'. We cherish that family atmosphere, and pay particular attention to fostering it from before our students even arrive by a system of college 'parents', right through to the 'Young Old Member' parties we hold after they have gone. 

Of course, our buildings are also some of the most beautiful in Oxford, but buildings do not make our community.  Please see us as a family of people and not just as a magnificent piece of built heritage.

The ²ÝÁñÊÓƵ has a long and proud tradition of welcoming people from all backgrounds and walks of life which is testament to the beliefs of our founder, William of Wykeham; 'Manners Makyth Man'. 

Miles Young, Warden, New College

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